Ah yes, the age old question we get hit with about a hundred times every day.
“Are baby wipes okay to use around your vagina?”
Some argue that if baby wipes are safe and gentle enough to be used on a baby’s diapered parts then surely they are safe enough for women to use as well, right? Yes and no.
Health expert Sandy Knauf says, “If it helps you feel more clean and fresh, that is certainly okay!” but she also goes on to point out that, with the evolution of feminine care, we now have our own product; feminine hygiene wipes. We actually happen to know a great company that sells this amazing product…wink, wink. I mean, why use products made for babies when there are products on the market that are specially formulated for a woman’s body? We use pads or tampons during our periods, not diapers, so why should we settle for baby wipes when we have feminine hygiene wipes?
Knauf also adds a list of suggestions for women if they do indeed choose to use baby wipes. First, choose unscented wipes. Scented feminine products can cause irritation. Holly Phillips, M.D., a women’s health specialist in New York City, also agrees saying, “Play it safe by going for an unscented, unmedicated, chemical-free brand of wipe.” Second, always follow the front-to-back wipe rule and only use the wipes on the outside of your body. Third, use them sparingly. Fourth, if you notice any burning or irritation, stop using them immediately.
Now here comes the “no” part to our “yes and no” answer. The University of Iowa’s vulvar skin care guidelines suggests that it is best to refrain from using any type of “feminine hygiene sprays, perfumes, adult, or baby wipes.” They also suggest that women use only white, unscented toilet paper and stay away from those containing aloe. An article on The Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health’s website also agrees with these suggestions.
So there you have it. Looks like the verdict is still out on this one, as there are just as many sources saying wipes are just fine to use as there are saying to stay away from them all together. A few things our sources do agree on is to make sure you only use wipes on the outside of your body and to make sure you choose an unscented brand to reduce the risk of irritation.
We want to know what you think. Do you use baby wipes down there, or do you choose to use feminine hygiene wipes? Let us know your preferences in the comments below.
Pamela on Jan 06, 2018
Actually I came here looking for help. I’ve tried two or three kinds with horrible results. After using one wipe yesterday, I have a burning, painful red vagina and nothing seems to help. In the past, this has always taken days to resolve.
65 years old with no other gynaecological difficulties.
Thanks ?
Faith Ziqubu on Dec 26, 2017
Well this question has nothing to do with using baby wipes but I did buy myself packet of moist toilet tissues and they are slightly scented… I bought these because you get more quantity than you get from feminine wipes …Are they safe to use down there?
Nana Mavis on Nov 20, 2017
I’ve been using baby wipe for almost two months and I’ve not had any irritations but have been having frequent discharges
Nana Mavis on Nov 20, 2017
I’ve been using baby wipe for almost two months and I’ve not had any irritations but have been having frequent discharges