Repeat after me....Vulva | healthy hoohoo
It is a good time to clear up some vagina confusion. Or should we call it some vulva confusion?
It is a good time to clear up some vagina confusion. Or should we call it some vulva confusion?
We hear it on TV commercials, we see it in ads and we read it on labels: “pH balanced”, but what exactly does that mean? pH, or potential for hydrogen, is a measurement scale of acidity and alkalinity. Readings from 0–7 are considered acidic, pH from 7.0–14 is considered...
Whether you buy your underwear in bulk or don the holy grail of panties (i.e., the trifecta of undies: sexy, comfortable, machine washable), we want to be sure you take into account what is truly the mother of all “must haves” before you seal the deal on what hugs your...
Ah yes, the age old question we get hit with about a hundred times every day. “Are baby wipes okay to use around your vagina?” Some argue that if baby wipes are safe and gentle enough to be used on a baby’s diapered parts then surely they are safe enough...